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You may hear stories saying “bulging disc is the cause of my low back pain!”. Although you may see it on scans, most of the time the root cause can originate from elsewhere in the body.
This client’s main complaint was low back pain. He was stiff with movement and had difficulty rolling in bed. Continue watching this video to see how Principal Rick was able to improve his condition and by how much!
Hard to sit? Stand? Feel like you’re leaning to one side? That is exactly how this client felt as he came in with low back pain.
With a comprehensive full body assessment, Principal Rick was able to target the main contributors to his pain. After 4 sessions, his movement had improved significantly, less pain and able to go about his everyday activities with ease.
One of the most common causes of job-related disability and leading contributors to taking days off work. Do you really know what low back pain is?
Pain Free Physiotherapist Quentin talks about general advice given for low back pain, why 80% of low back pain cases are “non-specific” and what we do differently in our unique treatment method to stop you from having unnecessary medication or surgery.
Recorded demonstration performed during our FREE monthly Low Back Pain & Sciatica workshop.
This audience member had been suffering from low back pain for 4 years and sciatica down the left leg. Main difficulty was bending forward, especially picking things up from the ground. Rick performs a quick assessment, and within a few minutes… watch to find out more!
Recorded demonstration performed during our FREE monthly Low Back Pain & Sciatica workshop.
This audience member had been suffering from low back pain on and off for most of her life. She had tried the chiropractor and massage but couldn’t seem to get any results. Main limitation was bending forward. Rick performs a quick assessment, and within minutes… watch to find out more!
Rick presents several cases during our FREE monthly Low Back Pain & Sciatica workshop.
Common presentation of Case 1 to 3 were low back pain, but the causes are different. Then Case 3 to 5, have the same cause but different presentation. What is going on?
This client presented with recurrent neck pain, had difficulty turning to the left side and pain going up the back of the head. Within the initial session, Principal Rick was able to target the right spots with various treatment techniques to achieve a good result. Watch the video to see how much improvement the client was able to achieve in 1 session!
Learn how to correct your breathing pattern. Many people breathe and see their upper chest and shoulders go up and down. Breathing and seeing your tummy push out is the correct way for breathing. By slowing down your breathing, it can also help you relax yourself! Watch to find out more!
Pain Free Physiotherapist Celina talks about one of the most common type of headaches – Cervicogenic Headaches. The cause for this type of headache is usually found in the neck, however there can be other factors that can contribute to the headache too such as your posture.
The nature of the headache and the predictors of good outcomes can be determined following our unique assessment and treatment method. Principal Rick also demonstrates examples of treatment methods used that may help with your headache.
Principal Rick demonstrates one simple treatment method, if done right, can reproduce symptoms of the headache. After about 30 seconds, if the symptom intensity starts to reduce, this indicates that your headache will respond well to this type of treatment.
You may not know this, but there are 2 types of Cervical Radiculopathy. Pain Free Physiotherapist Celina talks about Cervical Radiculopathy and how this condition can often be overseen particularly if the main complaint is pins and needles down to the fingers.
Somatic referral types can mimic symptoms of true nerve compression, these make up the majority of cases and can be treated conservatively by physiotherapists. Watch to learn more!
Following a motor vehicle accident, the most common injury can be a whiplash injury. This is when there is a sudden backwards followed by a forward movement of the neck resulting in injury.
Pain Free Physiotherapist Celina talks about the different classifications of whiplash injuries and how we go about assessing and treating your symptoms. Through normalising neurodynamics, to identifying psychological impairments to hands on manual therapy and exercises. Watch to learn more!
TMJ pain can often present with pain in the jaw area or towards the ear. This may be the result of overuse of jaw muscles, bruxism, or even being held open for too long for dental procedures.
Continue watching this video as Pain Free Physiotherapist Quentin further explains what TMJ can feel like. Did you know there are exercises to make the jaw relaxed and to train the control of your TMJ?
Choosing the right pillow can make a big difference for getting a good night’s sleep. You may notice that your neck and spine are not aligned straight when you’re sleeping on your side or your chin or forehead is lifted up too high when you’re sleeping on your back.
Principal Rick explains how to choose the right pillow and how even a little bit of height difference can affect your arm strength!
This client presented with shoulder pain which limited his arm movement above the head and across the body. During the initial session, Principal Rick performed many tests checking his range of motion and muscles around the body. By the end of the session, the client was able to move his arm with more range and less pain. Watch the video to find out more!
The rotator cuff consists of 4 muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. If there is an imbalance in the muscles, this may lead to tendinopathy resulting in shoulder pain and decreased movement.
Pain Free Physiotherapist Celina explains how each of the rotator cuff muscles work together in the shoulder and how imaging and medication aren’t the best options to treat your pain. Watch to find out more!
Shoulder stiffness and pain are the main symptoms of frozen shoulder. This client presented with pain when moving the arm sideways, across the body and when turning the arm. Principal Rick performs 2 examples of manual therapy technique which reduced the pain and improved the shoulder range of motion. Watch to find out more!
Shoulder instability can be the result of ligament injury or muscle imbalance around the shoulder joint. When you shoot for basketball or go to hit a volleyball, you may feel the shoulder feels unstable, painful or have a clicking or popping sound.
Although imaging may show there are tears or disruption of tissue from previous injuries in the shoulder, a full body assessment can determine any contributing factors which may be found in areas outside the shoulder joint such as the neck or upper back. Continue watching to learn 2 exercises for shoulder stability.
If you’ve sprained your ankle, you know that it can take time for your ankle to recover and strengthen back up again. Principal Rick demonstrates Mulligan taping which involves specific directional pulling to get the best result. This tape can often improve ankle range of motion and proprioception when applied correctly. Watch to learn more!
Pain starting from the heel extending down into the arch or even towards the arch of the foot? Pain with 1st step out of bed in the morning or after sitting for a long time? Or you’ve had a sudden change in lifestyle involving lots of standing or walking?
Podiatrist Jeff teaches 3 easy home therapies that may be helpful for you if you tick yes to any of these criteria. Watch to learn more!
Tennis elbow is characteristic of pain on the lateral side of the elbow. Principal Rick demonstrates Mulligan taping for tennis elbow emphasising the spiral application in combination with a lateral glide of the elbow. Watch to learn more!
Often characterised by pain, tingling, burning sensation into the thumb, fingers or even up the arm. CTS is caused by compression of the median nerve which passes through the carpal tunnel. Often medication or corticosteroid injections are recommended and if there are no improvements, doctors may suggest surgery.
In this video, Pain Free Physiotherapist Quentin explains more about how other factors outside the wrist can affect your carpal tunnel like symptoms and how to have an ideal set up for your laptop or computer.
BPPV is a condition which involves disruption of the crystals in our inner ear. Symptoms often include dizziness, spinning sensation especially when changing head position, nausea, vomiting or loss of balance. Principal Rick demonstrates the Epley Manoeuvre treatment technique that aims to reposition those disrupted crystals. This can also be performed at home as an exercise!
Various jobs involve lots of standing or manual work such as lifting. If our posture is not correct, this can lead to many musculoskeletal problems such as leg pain or back pain. Changes to your work area can include foot support such as mats or supportive shoes. In order to avoid lifting injuries, you should avoid twisting or using your low back to lift especially with heavy objects. Watch to learn more!
What makes an ideal workstation set up? Having a poor set up can lead to problems such as poor posture, stiffness or pain around the body. You may not know this, but prolonged sitting is highly associated with increased risk of colon cancer, cardiovascular events, diabetes and musculoskeletal problems. Watch this video to find out what changes you can make to your workstation set up to reduce your risk of injuring yourself!